Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chapters 1-4 (Emma)

Bostan Said.........
I love Emma, she is a bit high on her pedestal but she really means well and as described by Austen she had the lack of being disciplined. Her father is mostly to be blamed for that but he is a mild person in character and a good father. He is very attentive surprisingly and doesn't like the thought of marriage, which is different for that time period, most parents wanted their kids married and away. I Also agree on the characters they were very well depicted and that is what i take reassurance in. I like illustrated and described characters.

Lain Said..........

I really liked these opening chapters. I thought Austen described the characters perfectly. (This book is going to forever remind me of the night we watched the movie version together, and you kept falling asleep, so we had to finish it in the morning. ;)) Anyway,I think that Emma is kind of a busybody (but in a good way). I feel bad for poor Mr. Martin, he never had a chance against her. She was kind of a snob against him, but that is expected for that time period, social class was of the utmost impotence. I did like these chapters quite well and can't wait to read more...

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