Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chapters 1-4 (Emma)

Bostan Said.........
I love Emma, she is a bit high on her pedestal but she really means well and as described by Austen she had the lack of being disciplined. Her father is mostly to be blamed for that but he is a mild person in character and a good father. He is very attentive surprisingly and doesn't like the thought of marriage, which is different for that time period, most parents wanted their kids married and away. I Also agree on the characters they were very well depicted and that is what i take reassurance in. I like illustrated and described characters.

Lain Said..........

I really liked these opening chapters. I thought Austen described the characters perfectly. (This book is going to forever remind me of the night we watched the movie version together, and you kept falling asleep, so we had to finish it in the morning. ;)) Anyway,I think that Emma is kind of a busybody (but in a good way). I feel bad for poor Mr. Martin, he never had a chance against her. She was kind of a snob against him, but that is expected for that time period, social class was of the utmost impotence. I did like these chapters quite well and can't wait to read more...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Overall Rating for "The Ramsay Scallop"

Bostan Said.......
I really liked this book, the characters were very good. Not always one to love them but i liked them even if i wasn't fond of them. Personally i liked Elenor from the beginning but i grew to like Thomas. The only really draw backs were Elenor's age and some of the religion talk. Like in Robin hood i could handle it but some of the religion ideas went a little to varied and gullible for the characters. With Elenor's age i wish she was at least 15 or 16, the age gap is really nothing (I am guessing she is 14 and he is at least 23 to 25) But i just so wish she was a year or two older. That was a draw back, but i really liked this book any way. It was a very good pick! So i give this book a 4/6, i really liked it!

Lain Said.......

I deeply liked this book. I thought it had very realistic and lovable characters. I think all of the characters grew with the story, which is good, because if you read a story and they stay the same, it is not realistic because, people are shaped and molded by the things they undergo. I also like how not every little thing worked out right away. I did how ever like the happy ending. The only thing that I would have changed, is that I wish it told more at the ending. Other than that, I LOVED the book, and would not have changed a thing. I HIGHLY recommend this book.


Title: Emma
Author: Jane Austen
Reading Now
4 or so chapters a day for roughly 14 to 18 days.

Chapters 28-32 (TRS)

Bostan Said....
I do recommend this book. I liked these chapters they were a little troubling though since anything could have happened. He could have died, she could have been left alone to travel the hard way back, but i am glad everything went well. I am much relived. But i wish the ending was longer, maybe if it had one of those dreaded epilogues. I just wanted to see them return home and finish their adventure. Not their lives but to see them off would have been nice. But i did like how we got conclusion with Martin and the Italian girls, even if the girls never got to say good bye. I really liked this book.

Lain Said.....
I liked these chapters also, although they were not my favorite. I got so worried about Thomas, because it was getting toward the end, so he could have died. I was SO glad he did not. I was sorry to see Martin leave, though I do think it was for the best. I was sad that the story ended so soon. I am glad that they decided to get married. I just wish the story went a little farther, to show us what happened next. Like I wish they told if they did get married there, and if they ever met up with Martin. Oh well, I really enjoyed this book, and am satisfied with it.
I recommend it to all....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chapters 25-27 (TRS)

Bostan Said.....
I really liked these chapters, they were very good. I really wanted Etienne to stay with them but he had a mission. Yea maybe he was in love with her. Thomas is become nicer and better in my opinion each day, and i can't wait to see what becomes of him. I wasn't so keen on the Italian girls especially Bea, she seems to be not my favorite. And sham on Thomas!!! But i really think Elenor should have not climbed the steps. I think it wasn't worth it and a was of effort, i just don't get why it had to be done. And Thomas should have not let her go, but it was very nice of him to look after her. Can't wait to finish and see what happens.
Lain Said........
Today's reading was VERY good!!!! (I think this book is making it's way into my favorites.) Anyway, I was sad when Etienne had to leave. I really liked him and thought he was very nice. I think in a secret place in his heart, he was in love with Nora. I am glad that Thomas and Nora are getting along so well with each other. I really think they are beginning to love one another. I like the Italian girls that have entered the story, although, I am not happy with Thomas' attraction toward Bea, though I do not think anything will become of it.... I was kind of worried about Nora, and how sick she was after climbing those steps. I am just glad that she is alright now. I can't wait to finish the book tomorrow!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Chapters 22-24 (TRS)

Bostan Said......
Oh i am so glad Elenor is safe and returned back to the crowd of friends. (I say Elenor because we still refer to her as Elenor in the book when she is talking)That was so Funny!!! Yes and Pierre is a decent man i thought, but a bit on the bonkers side of religion. But i won't go into that. I also thought it was funny when Elenor left and Thomas had came to see her (or find her anyways) and they had just missed each other. I suppose Elenor is liking Thomas more and that is good, well we just have to wait and see what happens next!!! But Still Thomas still doesn't know where to place her she is not the "Brat" and not Elenor yet, so we have to wait i guess..
I am glad that they found Greatheart. (The names a bit like Lionheart)

Lain Said.......

I REALLY like this book!!!! I thought that Pierre was a nice guy, and was glad that he respected her decisions in certain areas.(hehehe) I thought he was a very thoughtful man, and did well in taking care of Elenor. I also thought it SO sweet how worried Thomas was of Elenor, excuse me, Nora. He really is starting to CARE for her. I am glad that they found her puppy, Greatheart, and was so glad that they all were reunited. I thought it sweet that Thomas kissed Nora when he found her. I am also glad that Nora no longer does not want to marry Thomas. I CAN"T WAIT TO READ MORE!!!!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Chapters 19-21 (TRS)

Bostan Said......
I did like these chapters. I was seriously going to believe that the fortune teller was telling the truth about Marthe's husband leaving her, and that could have turned the story in another direction, but it was a happy moment when the family met up with him. Happy happy. I found the ending though scary, not really for Elenor (Cause i have a feeling that she is going to be OK) but because i am worried by her getting back to her pilgrimage. But i sort of thought the cliff hanger was daring since it keeps us in suspense. Well now i want to know what happens next...

Lain Said........

I GREATLY enjoyed these chapters. I thought they were touching, yet very exciting also. I was so happy when Marthe found her husband at last!!!! I also thought it endlessly thoughtful of Elenor to sell her horse to help them buy a house. I would have been every bit as devastated as she was... I really like Martin, and thought it sweet of him to get "Nora" a dog to ease her pain. I also think he had very good intentions by letting her go to find her dog, and feel bad for him, because he is feeling pretty bad about it now. I really hope all is alright with Elenor, and am happy that Thomas is showing a greater care about her. I was quite upset when I found that I was at the end of today's chapters. Till tomorrow!!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chapters 16-18 (TRS)

Bostan Said.......
I thought it was very big of T to give his horse in behalf for water. That was just basically SWEET. And even more so because he didn't want any praise for what he did. And wow he has to watch over all of those people! Wow that is a big job. But i liked the story's that they told, i wish that we got to hear the end of the last one. If i was that girl in the last hero story i wouldn't take all of that obedience, there is a fine line of loyalty and he went over it by taking her children. But i really like the characters, it seems not to just be about Elenor by the background characters getting there own personality's.

Lain Said........

I thought that these chapters were very interesting in there content. I was very worried about what would happen to Thomas, though in my mind I knew nothing serious would befall him. I was just worried about him, and am very glad he got away with basically a waring, and just a short sentence. I also thought it wonderful that Thomas gave his horse for the water for all of the Pilgrims. I like him better and better as the story goes on. I did really like the chapters on Heroes. I thought they made some very good points. I liked how Thomas summed up that one story. It was funny. Can't wait to read more!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Chapters 13-15 (TheRS)

Bostan Said....

Yes i agree with Lain i can't wait to read more. In the book i thought it was very funny of Elenor to buy Thomas a gift. Usually that is how it happens you find something you want to get for someone and then after you feel uncomfortable giving it to him or something. I also thought it was cute when Nana appeared in a barrow. She is amazingly inscribed in my head, i can just see her. Wild white hair (and pink in the light of the fire) and a fresh attitude, but old appearance. I liked the story that she told. I feel though that i have heard of it before. Hummm... I think i have.

Lain Said....

I greatly liked these chapters. I thought it very sweet of Elenor to buy Thomas a book, and for Thomas in return to give her a delicately carved snail shell. I thought the story that they told very spooky, though, I know it could never happen... I greatly like Nana, and am saddened that the last chapter may be the last we hear of her. I am beginning to like Thomas more, because I believe he is becoming wiser, and is liking Elenore more, even though he still refers to her as the "Brat". All in all I thought these chapters quite charming, and can't wait to read more.

Chapters 10-12 (TRS)

Bostan Said...........

I liked these chapters. I especially like Marthe, she seems nice. The chapters seemed to fly by and i find that nice. I was a bit worried when Marthe's baby disappeared i really thought a wolf or something ate him. And when Thomas came back with a bloody scalp, that was a bit worrying, but i completely understand how Elenor took it. I really like her, and i want to like Thomas better. I don't know about him yet, it seems iffy to me... till three chapters later.

Lain Said..........

I was very content with these chapters also. I was very worried when Marthe's child was missing, I thought for sure he was a goner. I was not that pleased with how Elenor dealt with the scalp issue. He had helped her when she fainted, but had not even touched him when he was in pain. I think I like the characters about equally. But might come out with a favorite later..... Till the next post......

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chapters 7-9 (TRS)

Bostan Said......
I liked today's reading, the trip with their new friend and making other friends. I liked the part of the feast and how every one was described. But i thought it was so funny when she fainted and it was nice of Thomas to go to her, but i thought it was basically on instinct and it was so like a boy to through cold water on her. I thought that was funny, nicely done Thomas. It was though sad when the old man dies. I did not expect that, that was sad. And he fell, but i bet he was gone before feeling the impact. That helps a little. Well i can't wait to read tomorrows chapters.
Lain Said.......

Today's reading was good because it really showed how Elenor and Thomas worked with each other. Even though they were not exactly friends, it showed the potential that was there for them to become so. I knew that Elenor should not have gone into that barn alone, and it was for very good reason, the same that we have today, for not going somewhere alone. Anyway, I thought it very sweet how concerned Thomas was for Elenor when he found that she had fainted. It shows that he no longer fully views her as the "Brat", which is a good thing. It was not my favorite of the readings but still very good, and I look forward to tomorrow's reading.

Chapters 4-6 (TheRS)

Bostan Said....

I actually really liked these three chapters. Now we are moving a bit more in the plot but i liked how the two characters Elenor and Thomas play along, they don't get along but i like it. Its not just another first meet love. The trip to the ocean was well described and i like how were going on it then and not being told about it afterwards. I like Elenor and i want to see how she fares on the year or so trip to take the villagers sins and pray for every one. I also really liked the Father Greg. He was really nice for his profession.

Lain Said....

I also liked these chapters also. I think they were very well written. I am happy that they don't get along at first, some of the best loves come from that. I do hope that the book is not TO lovey dovey, but a little, does not hert. I really did like Father Greg. I think he is very thoughtful and kind. I thought that the whole trip to the fair was funny, especially when the exotic bird turned out to be a duck. I laughed. I thought the sea voyage was very realistic, but not to drawn out. I am very happy with the book so far and can't wait to read more.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chapters 1-3 (The Ramsay Scallop)

Bostan said.......

I thought it opened good, it gave us a chance to get to know Elenor the main female character before everything. The chapters are a good length, not to long and not to short, they do differ. The sets of the town and country side sound really nice and are explained well enough. I want to see what happens next... What happens with Thomas' father???

Lain said.......

I liked the first few chapters and thought that they told a lot about the charters. I liked how they focused on Elenor, but wished we could have learned more about Thomas. I guess that will come with time. I am having a little difficulty visulising Elenor, I don't know what to think of her yet. In time I will of corse. But I did enjoy these chapters as Bostan said, they are not to long, but not to short. Can't wait to read more!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Ramsay Scallop

Title: The Ramsay Scallop
Author: Frances Temple
Starting: Monday and Tuesday 20-21 July
Reading: 3 chapters a day (estimate for 11 days)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Over all rating for (Robin Hood)

Title: Robin Hood

Author: Edith Heal

Pages: 626

Bostan's Rating:

This book i think had a flavor of Shakespeare. The wording was like his, but more easily readable, and that was a very cool element. The story was different and so are practically all of Robin Hood legends. This book had a bunch of different story pieces to it not just one main plot but a series of different plots but with a good follow up and a good motive. Some that were happy and some that were sad. This book is completely not one that you can just walk away and not think on it and it had some sad elements to it. And i really liked this book, it was written good and imagined good, i give an over all rating of 5/6. I loved it...

Lain's Rating:

I really enjoyed this book. It is now one of my favorites. It has adventure, but Robin Hood never kills anyone which I appreciated. Some did die though, which did live you saddened, but over all the story left you not thinking on all the bad things that happened, but on all of the jolly, and happy things. You were left to think of Robin Hoods cleverness, and all of his well thought out pranks. I really enjoyed this book, and how thoughtful Robin Hood was depicted. I also really enjoyed the characters They were all very believable in personality. I thought it all wonderful, and if it had not had so many things about the Virgin in it I would have given it a 5/5 but since it did, I will give it a 5/6, just as Bostan did. It is truly a masterpiece...

Chapters 37-39 (RH) pages 588-626

Bostan Said.....
I loved the chapters where the merry men and robin hood were happy and pulling pranks on each other. Even the description of the men in dresses was a funny idea and i thought it sounds a lot like the movie "Men in Tights" staring Robin and men in tights. But i loved that chapter it was very good. And the last and final chapter for today and for the book. It was so depressing, I had high hopes that no one especially our favorite character was going to die. (I thought Edith Heal was not going to kill Robin like she didn't kill the sheriff or Guy who in some tales do have a fatal ending.) I was so devastated when the nun slashed his arm and let him bleed to death. I know it was in some tales but it is so sad to hear it described. So sad.. But other than that death and how he didn't get the girl because he loved the heaven mother to much it was a good book. It is one that i would suggest to those who love adventure, legends, and Robin Hood. I really loved it and the fact that my copy was pretty old made it even more real and special.

Lain Said.......

Oh my goodness, I new Robin Hood was going to die in the last chapter because of the title, but never, NEVER thought he would die that way.By a nun never the less!!!!! Ugggg.... It was horrible, I thought he might be able to die in his most beloved spot in Sherwood Forest, but no, he died in this nunnery by murder... What a horrible, horrible way to die. I am quite disappointed with the ending. It made me very sad. I think my favorite part in these chapters was the trick Midge, Peter, and Will played on Robin Hood. I thought it nice that they made him jolly once again. Over all I thought this book exceedingly good, and will delight in reading it over and over. I highly recommend it to all that love the adventure of an outlaw who has others best interests in mind.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Chapers 37-39 (RH) pages 540-587

Bostan Said.......
I really liked these chapters. The siege was brilliant, we were not exactly taking any part in it but it went good and the evil party's were destroyed. And King Richard is back but is not exactly the way Robin imagined him. And as history goes the king stays in England for a time then goes back to the holy lands.. for years.. doesn't come back....(obviously the king made some foreign enemies...) (He should have gotten away with John) so That is how King John was one of the worst kings in English history. I feel bad for the people because they have a wayward king (lion heart) when a "king" should be with his people. But Robin Hood is a piece of hope and when nothing in life turns out Robin hood was there even though their king was not. I hope i hope i hope, Robin doesn't die...... Because in some tales he does. But i do have a good feeling that it ends well!!!!

Lain Said.........

I liked these chapters Immensely. I thought that the siege went well, but was sad that some had to die. I have to say that I thought that the trick that the King played on Robin Hood was quite delightful, and made me laugh. I really was disappointed in Richard for being so restless, and I thought Robin Hood would have been very sorely disappointed. I was. But it made me proud of Robin Hood with his response, and how he dealt with it. He was understanding as always, and was caring also. I just hope that Robin Hood gets to live to see Richard the Lion Hart live on to fulfill his role as king, and if he does die, i hope it to be of Old age, and not of cruelty. I can't wait to finish the book!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chapters 34-36 (RH) Pages:483- 539

Bostan Said:

I really liked these chapters, they had a bit of something new in them. I thought the Tournament was a good plan and the sheriff might have caught an out law (Like Will Studley or Midge) if they had not been warned. It was a sad attempt though. And i really loved the chapters of the secret message, the fight/ and deceiving that was in along for the ride. I think those two were my favorite of them all. And still i don't know what Robin truly thinks of Marian. It is that he likes her because she reminds him of the saint Marry, but then she is just a child, and then she is a woman. He should make up his mind because she really loves him, but if he doesn't act fast Will Scarlett is going to snap her up. She did say she could love him in a calmer England. So he should act fast.

Lain Said:

I also really enjoyed these chapters. i was indefinitely pleased with the tournament, and thought it so sad that one of the boys had to die. Today that would have been foul play, and there would have been a law suite, but back then, it was just like "To bad, okay, now on to the next event!" Anyway, I also liked the chapter about the hunt for the message. It was fun and witty. I really do hate Geoffrey, he bugs me..... I am also not sure about Robin Hood's feelings for Maiden Marian. I think he really likes her, but he is kept back from expressing his feelings for her because of "the virgin" which REALLY bugs me, but oh well, I really enjoyed today's reading, and can't wait to read more.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Chapters 31-33 (RH) pages 433-482

Bostan Said......

The first chapter "For the Saxons" I thought was a sad one and i wish Robin had not decided to go away. But that is what men do, they seek glory far away rather than being and finding glory close at home. But the next chapter i really liked it was on his journey and it was a fun tale about saving the poor Saxons from a death by hanging. That was i thought very witty and nice of him to think even of the poor ones. And The third chapter was a good conclusion of his travels and ad-temps, but it was sad to imagine him grey and tired. But they all were good in their own ways. I did also like the last chapter it was nice also to know how much he was happy at his arrival home and happy to see each one of his merry men. (although it was sad about his horse)

Lain Said.........

I was a little disappointed with the first chapter in today's read. Though I did like the other chapters very much. I was very happy with the way he saved the inisent Saxons from hanging. I thought it was very humorous, and don't think I could have pulled that off, for I would have been mad at the page, and started saying some things that would have given me away. But it all worked out in the end. I was very glad of Robin Hoods return to Sherwood. I think he missed it, and I was very sad about the horse. Poor horse, I would have thought he would have had a better reward than death.... but that is how it went. I am glad that Robin is back, and I can not wait to read more!!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chapters 28-30 (RH) pages 382-432

Bostan Said........

I was happy with these chapters. They may be only three chapters but it is a lot of information and a lot of pages. I really liked the little adventures with Marian in the woods. They were nice and sweet. She is so much different than most female roles. She is independent but also feminine, and she is lovable. I do hope she and Robin end together, but i do feel bad for Will Scarlett. Poor guy if it happens like that. The trip to London was a good few pages and the trip back finished it all off. I loved how Robin fooled the Tinker, but i was surprised when he was beaten again! I know it happens a lot and i should give up, but i had hope that Robin would win. One thing is that i am not so sure of the Tinker he seems suspicious, but i guess we will have to wait and find out. ???????

Lain Said............

I liked it exceedingly well to see Maiden Marian in Sherwood with Robin Hood. I do think she is in love with Robin, but does not like the way that he looks at her. I Liked the part where they captured the Bishop AGAIN! I thought it quite funny. I thought it exceedingly amusing that the Sheriff was fooled again by the same trick. It really showed how greedy he was. Marian is so sweet. I like her alot. I think that Robin Hood is finally falling for her, maybe not. It is hard to tell with him. =) I thought it good that if Marian could not live with Robin Hood, that she live with the Queen, for I like her alot also. I thought all of the chapters amazingly good, and can't wait to read more, AGAIN!

Chapters 25-27 (R.H) Pages: 337-381

Bostan said...

I liked these chapters, they were not my absolutely favorite but they were indeed good. I liked when Will and John asked to go out and have an adventure by themselves. It shows that they really miss the closeness of a small band and that was nice. I can understand, being around a lot of people can have disadvantages. Then the taking on of Peter was a new twist i didn't think he would return in the story but that was nice. And we get to see more of Lady Fritzwalter and that is nice. Right now i don't know if she is into Robin or Will. ????? But i guess we will see later on. I really want to find out!!!

Like the chapters!

Lain Said.....

I thought that these were good chapters. I liked the game that the two maidens were playing on Will Scarlet. It made me laugh. I also thought it very funny the reason why the old people talked to the young ones. It was hilarious! I feel horribly for Maid Marian. I was very pleased when she came to Sherwood. I knew all along that the man on horse back was Robin Hood, how she did not escapes me. I thought it very funny that he led Sir Guy in such a manner. I was glad that Robin Hood is letting her stay for a little while, but saddened that it is not for long. I can't wait to find out what happens next!