Monday, August 31, 2009

Chapters 24-26 (Emma)

Bostan Said.......

I quite liked these chapters, they did well together. The part where Frank goes to get his hair cut was interesting, Jane must have had fun writing that. And the part where Emma is very slighted for not receiving an invitation. I can totally understand, you want the power to decide if you are to go or not. Even if you don't want to go you still want to at least say no. But i really liked the ball chapters. The last chapter (26) was very long but i enjoyed it very much. The conversation between Frank and Emma and Emma and "Miss. Taylor". I find Mr. Frank Churchill likes to talk gossip, but i like him plenty.
And the subject between Mr. Knightley and Jane was absolute and the reasons for believing them together funny.

Lain Said.........

I also liked these chapters. I thought that Mr. Churchill and Emma did well together. I thought them quite the cute couple. I liked Mr. Churchill for his ever optimistic look on life. Though I was a little unsettled when he was showing off with his singing. To think he would have made poor Jane Fairfax sing until she was hoarse, is a horrible thought. I just hope he was ignorant to it. I did think Mr. Knightley the most thoughtful of them all. First with the carriage and then to her singing. I do not think him partial to Jane though.... But we shall all see. I can't wait to read more!!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Chapters 21-23 (Emma)

Bostan Said............

I thought these chapters were good. Not my favorite in a chapter grouping, but i thought they were brought out good and were important to the story. The part where everyone got the news of Mr. E's up coming marriage was interesting. I loved the part when Mr. Knightley was about to say it and got interrupted, and i loved the image in my head of Emma's reaction to the news. Love it! And i also am glad that finally Mr. Churchill came, He was brought in differently than in the movie, but nicely at that. Oh and going back a while i am sad for the confused Harriet. She is very swayed. But lovable. Well can't wait to read more tomorrow. Gotta go, bye.

Lain Said...............

(Sorry for this jumbled up review. I had posted one prior to this, but it was deleted somehow, so I don't quite remember what I wrote, or exactly what the chapters were about. I do know that they were among my favorites. So sorry again.)

I think that these chapters were among the more serious in this book, which I think is why I liked them so much. I felt indefinitely bad for Harriet. She was really in love with Mr. Elton, and then her being unhappy about the account of her and Mr. Martin. I felt horrible, but it gave me hope of a further engagement between them. I dearly like Mr. Martin and his family, and think them wonderful people. But I still felt bad for Harriet for she was just so distressed about something. All in all I really liked these chapters, and I believe that I like Mr. Churchill. I am still not quite sure...... Till later....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chapters 18-20 (Emma)

Bostan Said....

In some parts these chapters were funny. Like for example i loved the visit to the Bates. It was very funny i thought. Emma not wanting to go other than being a friendly visitor and neighbor and Miss. Bate all joy and kindness with much to talk about and a mother who has to hear things repeated over two times to get their meaning. I know Emma must not dislike Miss. Jane as a person, but i think she dislikes the going on about her and all the fuss over one woman. That i think put a strain on her getting closer to her. Well i can't wait to read more...

Lain Said.....

I do have to say that I agree with Emma, on that hearing about a person over and over and OVER again, is truly annoying. Though, I do not think I would have judged her by that. I do say I have to disagree with Emma on her overall opinion of Jane Fairfax. I think her to be a kind person. I think the reason why she is so very reserved is that she does have some secrets, and some things that might be painful for her to talk about. In general, I feel sorry for her, because it really does show that she has in fact had a hard life. Both her parents died, and then she had to live of the good will of others, which to some people makes them feel bad about themselves. So all in all I like this Miss Jane, and hope to hear much more of her in the following chapters!!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chapter 15-17 (Emma)

Bostan Said...

Well the first chapter for this reading was very well detailed to the contents of a very fun party and the leading in to a devastating proposal. Wow it was the first time that i really realized how Mr. Elton could not have been as in love as he wanted to be with Emma. It was a huge turn in the story and on three sides it was not taken well. Mr. Elton embarrassed and shamed, Emma horrified to have mislead her dear friend, and Harriet's heart broken self. It could have all been speared if Mr. John Knightley went and not forgotten which carriage he belonged to. After i thought it was funny because he tried his best to be accommodating and apologising for his mistake. But i am glad even though Harriet is heart broken she is not or does not blame Emma as to loose their friendship. Emma did mean well, though she messed up very badly on choice of conduct and character.

Lain Said.....

I thought these chapters quite funny. The reason for this is because of Emma's realization process. It was not Mr. Elton's proposal that made her relies, in fact it was her brother-in-laws comment. I thought it hilarious the way she was like, "No he could not possible like me, I mean it is not probable, well maybe....." It is funny how you seem to notice things more when they are brought out. So all that night, poor Emma, who brought it upon herself, even though it was with good intentions, was seeing all the clues that shouted loud and clear, "I want to merry YOU, not your friend." Poor Emma was so confused, especially when he proposed to her in the carriage. Oh it was so funny, yet I felt so bad for all of them, but least of all for Mr. Elton, who truly was in it for the money and society.... But still. I am glad that Harriet took it so well, and hope things go better for her. I can't wait to read more.

Chapters 12-14 (Emma)

Bostan Said....

I liked these chapters again! I liked how Mr.Knightley came to visit and Emma and him made up and are friends again. Mr. Knightley has as much right as to see his sisters and brother as Mr. Woodhouse, but a little less if they were to stay over at his own house. The whole deal with Mr. Woodhouse and his older daughter was so funny to me, they are arguing (in a respectable way) about who's opinion of a man is better. She is so much like her father i think. And it was also funny when the party was attending the Weston's little party. Mr. Elton is acting very strange and it is puzzling Emma so much. She doesn't know what to do.

And i think it is good for her to fancy a guy, and Mr. Churchill is just the man for that. (Even though she has not met him yet)

Lain Said.......

I thought these chapters quite wonderful. I thought it hilarious in there disagreeing. And how Emma was still not caught up to Mr. Knightley in intellect, but she was indeed nearer. It just made me laugh. I could imagine the whole seen in my head. I still can't believe that Emma does not know that Mr. Elton LIKES her!!!! It is hilarious. I guess it is harder to tell when you are expecting one thing, and not the other. It is very comical to me, because all the signs CLEARLY point to him fancying Emma, but she does not see it at all. I also think it is good for to finally like a guy, even though she says she does not want to marry.........

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chapters 9-11 (3 chapter change) (Emma)

Bostan Said....

I really liked these chapters and i was sad that i couldn't read more, but that's a good feeling to be had. To want to read more i mean. I liked the whole riddle chapter, i think it was interesting how they were going about it. And the last two about visiting the sick and Emma's sister who is visiting i also enjoyed. I especially loved the part when the family is talking at the diner table, Now i have a better view on John Knightley. He sounds like a nice gent, and her sister must be lovely. I love how they are described, with ready wit and detail....

Lain Said.......

I was very content with these chapters. Especially with the first two. I thought them very well written, and liked Mr. Elton's riddle on court ship. If only Emma would realize who it was for, and stop so encouraging both Mr. Elton and her dear friend Harriet. I guess nothing is to be done about it for now. I also liked the chapter about her sister coming. She seems sweet, and as Bostan said "lovely". I also like Mr. John Knightley in his own way. He is not my favorite character, but I do like him none the less. I can't wait to read more, and am horribly sorry for my delay.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chapters 5-8 Emma

Bostan Said....

I love the whole business of this book. Like a lot of J.A Books she has a lot of stages in story's, we are getting quite far into it and more into the twists. I love the character Mr. Knightley, he is one of my favorites and i like him because he is caring but he also cares enough to tell Emma as a friend that she is going to far. He is just what she needs, every one else pretty much lets her get away with everything. I also love Miss. Smith, i know she is not a strong individual but she is sweet, loyal, caring, and she trusts Emma. Poor Emma gets her into trouble i am seeing in more detail. Also i love Miss Taylor/ Mrs. Weston, she is a good friend also, loyal, sweet, and strong. She is also a good reality check for Emma. The whole painting section in the chapter was fun, and the long chapter between Mr. Knightley and Emma was very dialogue'd which was cool. I feel bad for the poor bloke that got refused by Miss. Smith, but i can't fully blame it completely on Emma, Emma really just hinted things and other of that matter. Miss. Smith was the one who took those hints, but if she accepted their would be no story. Their is more but i wont go in to it..

Lain Said...

Jane Austen is a genius!!!!!!! I know, you probably knew that already, but I just wanted to emphasise it. She paints such pictures with words, that you get so engrossed in the book, you are transported back to the 1800's in England!!!! I did really like these chapters, and have to say that I disagree with Bostan on this one, (just a little bit though). I think that Emma is Solely responsible for Miss Smith turning down Mr. Martin... In my belief, Miss Smith would have excepted, and should have excepted. I believe that she really did fancy him, and would have been vastly happy there, being able to visit with his beloved sisters as much as she wanted. Though, I do see what Emma's point was, though I do think her wrong.... If only she knew why Mr. Elton was doing such kind things for Miss Smith..... But she will soon find out. I do like Mr. Knightly, and find my thinking somewhat in tune to his. I really liked these chapters, and can't wait to read more!!!!!